Title - we've gone organic have you? with soft green backdrop & 3 product images on the right.Title - we've gone organic have you? with soft green backdrop & 3 product images on the right.

Our tasty new range of organic herbs and spices are healthier for you and the environment

Why organicTitle - why organic? With copy on the right & two people, one serving salad to the other on a white plate.

Organic is food you can trust

When you choose organic, you’re choosing authentic products that have been produced to the highest standards.

Our culinary and agricultural experts work closely with farmers to ensure all our organic herbs and spices are selected for their flavour, colour and aroma. Crops are harvested at maturity to help preserve the original taste and respect the environment’s biodiversity.


Our promiseTitle - our promise with light blue background & shot of fresh herbs being picked.

A 100% sustainability target

At Schwartz we are dedicated to improving the world around us, and responsible for the long-term vitality of our farmers, communities and the planet. We encourage farming communities to adopt best practices that meet our own standards or those of external certifying bodies. This focus is linked to our target of 100% sustainably sourced iconic ingredients by 2025.

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27 April 2018

Busy Athlete Meal Hacks: The hidden secret behind healthy eating

Trying out a new fitness plan? When you’re focusing on high-protein, low-fat, carb-heavy foods, it’s easy to find that meals can taste a little… underwhelming.

Enter Schwartz Recipe Mixes. Bursting with herbs and spices, you can pack a whole bunch of flavour into...

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